Go faster with minimum effort

We design, build and automate your web projects with lightning speed ⚡️

Pinky promise 🤙

We help you grow faster without the need for expensive design and development teams

Less talk, more do

Less code, more design

Less time, more result

Our powerful and effortless design process


Don’t worry about briefing us. We’ll guide you from a vague idea towards a clear concept.


We create a realistic clickable design based on the concept we’ve created together.


Crucial. If you love it, we’ll check if your clients love it too. It’s all about them you know...


Happy faces? Then we’ll create the final designs and build it simultaneously 🤫

What we do


Let us pull you through our highly efficient design process to come up with the best ideas.

Workshops instead of meetings

We believe meetings are the reason why many projects fail. We pull you through a process of structured alignment, ideation and decision making to find the best ideas to test.

UX Design

Designing web and app products that nail the sweet spot between user needs and business needs. The umbrella term covers everything from user research to interaction and motion design.


Let us leverage the power of no-code solutions instead of working with bulky development squads.


We use Webflow as our comfortable base, enabling us to launch your designs without writing a single line of code.

No-code web development

Using no-code platforms to create your web projects, enables us to focus on creativity and deliverability. Adjustments, new features, complete overhauls, it’s all so much easier without having to rely on expensive programmers to do the job.

No-code platform development

Project that go beyond a website need more than just speed. By connection the right tools we develop complete platforms that tick all the boxes. Authorization? We got you. Connection to your current systems. Sure thing.


Let us go beyond and automate everything that goes in and out of your digital web or app.

Marketing automation

We use the smartest tools on the planet to create marketing flows that work. All linked to that beautiful website or app of yours.

Workflow automation

Think elimination repetitive tasks like planning and scheduling. Save up that precious time for important stuff.

AI automation

Want a podcast for every new client? Done. No longer a buzz, but serious bizz. Be smart and grasp what AI has to offer.

If you rename this component, remember to update the classes in the HTML embed named layout423_hover-content.

Projects. Done in weeks ⚡️

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Design + Build


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Why you'll love Studio Frisbee ♥️

Work faster together

We believe in minimizing ‘busy work’ by  doing Workshops instead of having boring meetings.

Test before we build

Our motto “Just throw it to see where it lands”means we’ll test it with real people to know how to improve.

We’re in it for the long run

We design based on our ambitions, and yours. Expect a 2 year plan from us with a clear focus.

Get in touch

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